About Privacy Society Inc.

Our primary mission is to provide simple to use phones that are tailored for private communications with those that matter most and enables the ability to have a well balanced digital lifestyle.
Our secondary mission is to create content on our Substack to jump start the conversation about private in society and how you can take back control of your digital life.
We believe the Internet should do a simple thing: Keep your private information private. No one should be able to touch what you think or write and do, but you. Far too many companies mismanage your information for no other reason than laziness and greed.

Here's how we do it:

Open-source: Most of our applications and those we recommend are open source and all the ones using encryption are open source. It's clear how your data is being handled every step of the way. Many companies promise encryption but don't open up their code for peer-review. We believe the definition of end-to-end encryption should mean that code on both ends is open-sourced.
No tracking or intrusive analytics. We are heavily opposed to industry standard tracking tools like Google Analytics, which gathers and analyzes your browsing history to sell you better advertisements. We use no analytics in our apps or website.
No IP address or user-agent collection. We do not collect or store any information about your IP address or the device you use to access our services, and in general, attempt to reduce metadata collection to the bare minimum required for our services to function.
We do not sell your information. We do not sell your information to anyone. On our Substack, app store, or newsletters we may suggest interesting privacy apps to investigate but we do not sell your name, email address, or phone number to anyone.

Is This Still True?

"No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."" – UN, Article 12, December 10th, 1948.
Much has changed since this United Nations resolution in 1948. How much of this is still actually true? Let us strive together to make privacy paramount for a free society.

Join the Privacy Society Discussion

Subscribe to our privacy related conversations. We will not sell your email address. Masked and temporary emails welcome. We do not use any third-party tracking on our Substack.